የአማርኛ መገበያያ ሀረጎች፡ Shopping Amharic phrases:

የአማርኛ መገበያያ ሀረጎች፡ Shopping Amharic phrases:

Shopping = ሱቅ መሄድ

First, when you go to a shop and find no one present upon your arrival or if they are busy, you can call them using these terms: ‘እዚህ ሱቅ / ezih suq, ‘ሱቅ / suq, or ‘ባለ ሱቅ / bale suq {shopkeeper}’ to get their attention.

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻThe shopkeeper / seller:

  • ምን ፈልገሽ ነው? What are you looking for?
  • ምን ፈልገህ ነው? What are you looking for?
  • ምን ልስጥሽ? What can I give you? ልስጥሽ? Shall I give you. female
  • ምን ልስጥህ? What can I give you?
  • ምን ላሳይሽ? What can I show you? etc.
  • ምን ልታዘዝ? What can I do for you please?
  • ምን ፈልገሽ ነው? What are you looking for?
  • ምን ፈለጉ? What did you want?
  • ቆንጆ ነው ግዛው። It’s beautiful. Buy it.
  • ቆንጆ ነው ግዢው። It’s beautiful. Buy it.

ገዡ the ወይም ደንበኛው ደግሞ The buyer or the customer

The = ዡ / u

ገዥ = buyer

  • እዚህ ሱቅ፣ ዳቦ አለህንዴ? Shopkeeper, do you have any bread?
  • እንትን ፈልጌ ነበር… I was looking for… pen እንትን = emm
  • ጫማ አለህ? Do you have any shoes?
  • ጨው አለህንዴ? Do you have salt?

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻጩ ደግሞ The shopkeeper/seller also

  • አወ አለ Yes, I have.
  • አለ አወ፤ ስንት ኪሎ ነው የምትፈልጊ/ገው? Yes, there is. How many kilos do you want?
  • አለኝ = I have
  • የትኛውን ነው የፈለከው? Which one do you want?
  • የትኛውን ነው የፈለግሽው? Which one do you want?
  • የለኝም። I don’t have.
  • ጨርሻለሁ I’m sorry, I am sold out of that item. Or I have finished.
  • አይ፣ የለም። I’m sorry, no, there isn’t.
  • አሁን የለኝም። I don’t have it at the moment.

ገዡ ወይም ደንበኛው ደግሞ The buyer or the customer

If he says, “አዎ አለኝ / Yes, I have it,” you ask him how much he will sell it for.

  • ስንት ብር ነው? How much does it cost?
  • ስንት ነው? How much is it?
  • ዋጋውን ንገረኝ እስቲ Please tell me the price.
  • ዋጋውን ንገረኚ እስቲ Please tell me the price.
  • ዋጋውን ንገረኝ እስቲ Please tell me the price.
  • የስንት ብር ነው ያለህ? What is the price of the item you have?
  • ምን ያህል ነው? How much is it?
  • ዋጋው ስንት ነው? What is the price?
  • መሸጫው ስንት ነው? How much do you sell it for?

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻጩ ደግሞ The shopkeeper/seller also

  • 10 ብር ነው። It is 10 Birr.
  • ባለ አምስት መቶ ብሩ ነው ያለኝ። It’s the one that sells for five hundred birr. Or It’s priced at five hundred birr.
  • ኪሎው 50 ብር ነው። The kilo is 50 Birr. 50 + 50 ? = 100 መቶ
  • ? ጥያቄ ምልክት
  • ባለ 25 ብር ዳቦ አለ፣ ባለአስር ብር ዳቦ አለ። There is a 25-birr bread, there is a ten-birr bread
  • ጫማው ዋጋው 1700 ብር ነው። The price of the shoe is 1700 Birr.
  • የመጨረሻ መሸጫ ዋጋው 1500 ብር ነው። The final price of it is 1500 Birr.
  • አይዞሽ፣
  • አይዞህ፣
  • አይዟችሁ፣

ገዡ ወይም ደንበኛው ደግሞ The buyer or the customer

  • በጣም ውድ ነው። It is very expensive.
  • አስወደድከው በጣም። You’ve made it very expensive.
  • ኧረ ውድ ነው። Oh, it’s expensive.
  • መውደድ = ቱ ላቭ
  • ውደታ = ላቭ
  • እወድሻለሁ
  • እወድሃለሁ
  • እወዳችኋለሁ
  • አፈቅራችኋለሁ / አፈቅርሻለሁ
  • ዋጋውን ቀንስ እና ልግዛህ። Lower the price and let me buy you. Or “Could you lower the price, please? I’d like to buy it.”
  • ትንሽ ቀንስልኝ Reduce me a little for me. Bring down the price.
  • ትንሽ ቀንስ Bring down a little bit.
  • 1000 ብር ልግዛህ? Shall I buy you 1000 Birr?
  • 1000 ብር ይበቃሃል። 1000 Birr is enough for you.
  • 5000 ብር ሽጥልኝ? Sell ​​me 500 Birr?
  • እባክህ እንደዛ ልግዛህ? Can I buy it at this price please?
  • ምን አይነት ከለር ነው ያለህ? What color do you have?
  • በምን አይነት ከለር ነው ያለህ? What kind of color do you have?
  • ስንት ቁጥር ነው? What is its number?
  • ስልክ ቁጥር? = ፎን ነምበር

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻጩ ደግሞ The shopkeeper/seller also

  • አይ፣ እንደዛ አያዋጣም። No, that doesn’t work out well.
  • እንደዛ አያዋጣኝም። No, that doesn’t profit me.
  • አይ እንደዛ ኪሳራ ነው። No, it’s a loss.
  • አይ፣ እንደዛ ያከስረኛል። No, that makes me bankrupt
  • እንደዛ ምንም ትርፍ የለውም It has no profit for me.
  • ትርፉ ኪሳራ ነው Its profit is only loss.
  • እሽ በቃ ውሰጂው / ውሰደው Okay, take it.
  • እሽ በቃ እኔ ከስሬ ልሽጥልህ I will sell it to you at my loss.
  • ውሰደው በቃ Okay, Just take it.
  • አይ፣ ከዚህ በታች አልቀንስም No, I will not lower it above this.
  • ምንም ክርክር የለውም። It’s the price. There is no argument
  • ፊክስድ ፕራይስ ነው። It is a fixed price.
  • ዋጋው ፊክስድ ነው The price is fixed.
  • ከዛ አይቀንስም It will not decrease any further.
  • ምንም ቅናሽ የለውም There is no discount
  • ኪሳራ ነው። It’s a loss.

ገዡ ወይም ደንበኛው ደግሞ The buyer or the customer

  • ቁጥሩ ስንት ነው? What is its number?
  • ስንት ቁጥር ነው? what number is it?
  • ሳይዙ ምን ያህል ነው? How much is its size?
  • ከለሩ አማራጭ አለው? Does it have an alternative color?
  • በሌላ ከለር የለህም? Don’t you have another color?
  • ሞባይል ባንኪንግ ትቀበላለህ ወይስ በካሽ ነው የምትፈልገው? Do you accept mobile banking or do you prefer cash?
  • ዛሬ ለመግዛት አላሰብኩም። I didn’t plan to buy today.
  • ብር የለኝም። I have no money.
  • አይ እኔ ለመጠየቅ ብቻ ነው የፈለኩት። No, I just wanted to ask.
  • ለማወቅ ነው። I just wanted to know.
  • ዋጋውን ለመጠየቅ ያህል ነው። It’s like asking the price.

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻጩ ደግሞ The shopkeeper/seller also

  • ቁጥሩ 42 ነው። The number is 42.
  • ከለሩ ጥቁር ነው። It is black in color.
  • በሌላም ከለር አለ። There is another color too.

ገዡ ወይም ደንበኛው ደግሞ The buyer or the customer

  • እስቲ ይሄን ልሞክረለው ሌት ሚ ትራይ ዚስ Let me try this

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻጩ ደግሞ The shopkeeper/seller also

  • አወ ሞክሪው። Yeah, try it.
  • ልክህ ነው It suits you.
  • ልክሽ ነው It suits you.
  • እሱ ልክ ይሆንሻል That will be right for you.

ገዡ ወይም ደንበኛው ደግሞ The buyer or the customer

  • ከዚህ የተሻለ የለህም? Don’t you have anything better?
  • ሌላ የለህም? Don’t you have another one?
  • ይሄ ልክ አልሆነኝም። This didn’t suit me.
  • ይሄ ልኬ አይደለም።It doesn’t really suit me. This is not me.
  • ይሄ ደስ አላለኝም። I don’t like this.
  • ይሄን አልወደኩትም። I don’t like this.
  • ይሄ አያምርም። This is not pretty.
  • ይሄ አይሄድብኝም። እኔ ላይ አያምርም። It doesn’t look good on me.

ባለ ሱቁ / ሻጩ ደግሞ The shopkeeper/seller also

  • ይሄ ነው በቃ ያለው። I have only this in stalk.
  • እሱ ብቻ ነው የቀረው። It is the only one left.
  • አለኝ ሌላም። I have another.
  • እንኪ እስኪ ይሄን እይው Pleas, here you go see this.
  • እስቲ ይሄን ሞክሪው Please try this one.
  • እንካ እስኪ ይሄን ሞክረው Pleas, here you go see this.

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