Amharic conversations Lessons

Amharic conversations Lessons

In this course, you will learn the following Amharic conversations:
  1. Greetings and responding to greetings (ሰላምታ ማቅረብና ለሰላምታ ምላሽ መስጠት)
  2. Self introduction in Amharic (ራስን ማስተዋወቅ)
  3. Asking for people’s help and permission (የሰዎችን እርዳታና ፈቃድ መጠየቅ)
  4. Giving thanks and responding to their thanks (ምስጋና ማቅረብና ለምስጋናቸው ምላሽ መስጠት)
  5. Politely express agreement and disagreement (በትህትና መስማማትን እና አለመስማማትን መግለጽ)
  6. Apologizing and forgiving (ይቅርታ መጠየቅንና ይቅር ማለትን)
  7. Asking price, direction, information, time etc (ዋጋ፣ አቅጣጫ፣ መረጃ፣ ሰአት ወዘተ መጠየቅን)
  8. Farewell (ስንብት) etc…

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner, Intermediate


Course Instructor

Amargna Amargna Author