When we meet with people, we can use these Amharic phrases

When we meet with people, we can use these Amharic phrases:

ታዲያስ / Tadias Hi, or Hey
እንዴት ነህ? Indet neh? How’re you doing?
እንደት አደርክ? indet aderk? Good Morning
እንደት ዋልክ? Indet walk? Good Afternoon
እንደት አመሸህ indet amesheh?Good Evening
ደህና እደር Dehna ider. Have a Good Night
ስምህ ማን ነው / ይባላል? Smh man new / ybalal?What’s your name?
ስሜ______ይባላል። Smie___ybalal. I’m [name]
ይቅርታ ምን አልከኝ? አልሰማሁህም? Yqrta mn alkegn? Alsemahuhm? Pardon, what did you say? I didn’t hear you.
የት ነው የምትኖረው? Yet new yemtnorew? Where do you leave?
ከየት ነው የመጣኸው? Keyet new yemetakhew? Where did you come from?
ከየት ሀገር ነው የመጣኸው? Keyet hager new yemetakhew?What country are you from?
እንዴት ነህ? Indet neh? How’s it going? Or, how’re you doing?
ደህና ነኝ፣ አመሰግናለሁ Dehna negn amesegnalehu. I’m good, thanks
አንተስ? Antes? And you? Or How about you?
ስላገኘሁህ ደስ ብሎኛል። Slagegnehuh des blognal. Nice to meet you. Good to see you
መካም ቀን ይሁንልህ። Melkam qen yhunlh. Have a great day.
በኋላ እንገናኛለን። Behuala ingenagnalen. Catch you later.
ነገ እንገናኛለን። Nege ingenagnalen. See you tomorrow!
ደህና ሁን። Behna hun.   Bye, catch you later, or see you
ቻው Chaw Take care, have a good day, or best regards
ኢንሻ አላህ፣ በቅርቡ አንገናኛለን። Insha Allah, beqrbu ingenagnalen.Insha Allah, we’ll be in touch soon.
አንጠፋፋ / AntefafaLet’s be in touch.
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