Master Amharic Fast: Discover This Unique Learning Method!

Master Amharic Fast: Discover This Unique Learning Method!.

Now, try to read the following short Amharic phrases out loud, record your voice by clicking the ‘Record your voice’ button, then listen to the recording. And if you want, you can also download the recording to your device.

  1. እንዴት ነህ፣ ሰላም ነህ? Indet neh? Selam neh? (How are you?)
  2. ሙሐመድ እባላለሁ። Muhammed ibalalehu (My name is Muhammed.)
  3. ከሶሪያ ነው የመጣሁት። Kesoria new yemetahut. (I am from Syria.)
  4. ዜግነቴ አረብ ነው። Zegnetie Areb new (My nationality is Arab.)
  5. ማነው ስምህ? Manew smh? (What your name?)
  6. አሁን ስንት ሰአት ነው? Ahun snt se’at new? (What time is it now?)
  7. ዋጋው ስንት ነው? Wagaw snt new? (How much is the price?)
  8. እዚህ አካባቢ መስጅድ አለንዴ? Izih akababi Mesjid alendie? (Is there a mosque around here?)
  9. እዚህ አካባቢ ኤይቲኤም የለም? Izih akababi ATM yelem? (Is there no ATM around here?)

Amharic is easy to learn, but you need to follow the right strategy. If you really want to learn Amharic, you should start with the Amharic alphabet first. Because if you can’t read Amharic by yourself, your learning progress will be very slow.

By the way, don’t think the Amharic Fidel is so difficult. They are clear, and you can grasp them easily. You can master Amharic Fidel very easily by just reading this post and finally taking this Amharic quiz

The Amharic alphabet is, in fact, simpler than the English alphabet. Unlike English, which has many irregular spellings and pronunciation rules, Amharic has a highly phonetic system where each character represents a single sound. This makes the pronunciation of Amharic words much more predictable.

There is no such thing as irregular or exceptional stuff in the Amharic-Fidel system. That is why I said the Amharic alphabet is easy. Now, please try to answer the following easy questions:

Start with this quiz please.

1 / 10

  1. What is the first letter of the Amharic alphabet?

2 / 10

2. Which of the following is the correct symbol for the sound 'Se'?

3 / 10

3. How many basic characters are there in the Amharic Fidel?

4 / 10

4. What is the correct order of the first three characters in the Amharic alphabet?

5 / 10

5. Which character represents the sound 'Ka'?

6 / 10

6. What is the seventh form of the letter 'ሀ' (ha)?

7 / 10

7. Which of the following letters is used to write the sound 'Bo'?

8 / 10

8. Which are the correct characters for the sound 'Cho'?

9 / 10

9. Identify the correct character for the sound 'ta'.

10 / 10

10. Which character corresponds to the sound 'la'?

Your score is

The average score is 59%


After you can read and pronounce the Amharic Fidel correctly, you can now dive into the Amharic daily phrases and conversations here. In the Amharic daily phrases and conversations, you will learn the Amharic grammar rules along with them.

Before studying Amharic grammar rules, first familiarize yourself with the spoken Amharic currently in use. Start speaking right away; start using your Amharic words and phrases that you already know.

Do not wait to speak Amharic until you know a lot of Amharic grammar rules. Get used to your voice when you speak Amharic and feel confident; get comfortable pronouncing Amharic words; and try to adjust your voice to sound more natural from the start. Then you will move on to grammar rules to strengthen your spoken Amharic.

This is the best way to learn a new language. However, if you begin with grammar rules, let me inform you that you will encounter a roadblock. You will get stuck. I am telling you.

So, it is better to learn Amharic basic grammar rules after knowing basic Amharic daily phrases and conversations.

Try to answer this quiz too.

1 / 5

1. Which of the following means "Thank you" in Amharic?

2 / 5

2. What is "coffee" called in Amharic?

3 / 5

3. What is the Amharic phrase for "Hello"?

4 / 5

4. How do you say "Goodbye" in Amharic?

5 / 5

5. What does እንዴት (Endet) mean in English?

Your score is

The average score is 97%


Let me share with you more crucial priorities to concentrate on, which are far more beneficial than delving into Amharic grammar rules.

  1. Trying to listen to and understand Amharic speeches,
  2. Practice speaking Amharic as soon as you start learning it.
  3. Trying to imitate native Amharic speakers to develop a good Amharic accent,
  4. And I am trying to be able to read and understand Amharic texts.

These aspects are more essential than grammar rules. Therefore, focus on these crucial aspects of the language. If you dedicate your time to these, I believe, with God’s will, you will easily master Amharic.

Now, start speaking to people today using the Amharic you have learned so far. If you don’t use the Amharic you know, it will quickly disappear from your mind and become more complicated. You won’t improve your Amharic speaking skills either. Don’t forget that you have to step out of your comfort zone to master new skills.

Remember to practice regularly and stay patient as you learn Amharic. You will see progress with consistent effort!

You can join platforms like HelloTalk, iTalki, WeChat, Facebook groups, and others to meet new people and practice Amharic with them.

I have a telegram group, but it has not had any had any active members yet. However,  you can join it and ask me any question you want.

If you want to learn Amharic properly, do as I told you. You will get results faster. If you can memorize, pronounce, and write Amharic Fidel correctly, it will not be difficult for you to listen to and speak Amharic.

When you are ready to learn the basic Amharic grammar rules, start with subjective pronouns, which I listed below. Learn also the “be verbs, subject-verb agreements, and Amharic Tenses.” If you learn the Amharic pronouns and be verbs, communicating with Amharic speakers will become easier for you.

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