Master the Amharic Fidel Now: Amarigna Fidel Part 2

Master the Amharic Fidel Now: Part 2

Additional Facts About the Amharic Fidel:

Similar Amharic alphabets: ህ፣ ሕ & ኅ (H)

There are three ህ (H) types of h’s in the Amharic alphabet that have the same sound and meaning but different shapes.








Only the first ህ / h is commonly used in Amharic.

ሥ / ስ (s)

There are two types of ሥ / s also. They have the same sound and meaning but different shapes.








The Fidel “ስ / s” is we commonly use. ወደላይ የተገለበጠ ስሞል ኤም የሚመስለውን “ሠ” ብዙም አንጠቀምበትም።

እ / ዕ (E)


The first letter “አ / A” is the most commonly used. But the second “ዐ / A” is usually used by Muslims and Tigres, because it is a throaty sound. Amharic does not have an alphabet that can be read by throat. And the Muslims use it to represent the Arabic letter (ع).

ጽ & ፅ (Ts)


But the fact that these same Fidel are rarely used by Amharic speakers does not mean that the Fidel are unnecessary. Because other ethnic groups like Tigre and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Muslims use them.

4 (four) Fidels added to Amharic Fidel Gebeta:

ጵ / p
“ጵ” is a Greek sound, not Amharic. The Fidel was created to represent the Greek letter “π” and its sound. Example:

Πέτρος = ጴጥሮስ = Peter
Παύλος = ጳውሎስ = Paul
Επίσκοπος = ጳጳስ = Bishop

The first one is / Kh”. This Fidel is not Amharic or Geez, but it is Tigrigna. People who speak Tigrinya and Arabic use this alphabet a lot. The Fidel “ኸ / Kh” represents the Arabic letter “خ and is widely used by Amharic speaking Muslims.

Khe Khu Khi Kha Khie Kh Kho

 Let’s look at the words used by Amharic speaking Muslims.

ኸ Kheኸይር (ጥሩ፣ የተሻለ)፣ ኸውለት (የሴት ልጅ ስም) Khair (good, better) Khawlat (girl’s name)
ኹ Khuኹወይሊድ Khuwaylid (the father of Khadijah)
ኺ Khiኺታም (መጨረሻ) khitam (end)
ኻ Khaኻሊድ (የሙስሊም ወንድ ልጆች ስም) Khalid (Muslim boys name)
ኼ Khieአኼራ (የሰማይ ቤት)
ኽ Khሸይኽ (ትልቅ ሰው ወይም የሙስሊም ምሁር) Sheikh (an elder or Muslim scholar)
ኾ Kho 

/ p”

The letter “ፕ / P” is not Amharic either. It is an alphabet created to represent English and Italian letters. For example, the nouns “Polis, Pasta, or Vite” do not have other Amharic nouns. That’s what we call them in their original language.

Pe Pu Pi Pa Pie P Po

We use the word “ፕ / P” to pronounce the following words:

ፐ Peፐርሰንት percent
ፑ Puፑቲን፣ አውትፑት፣ ኢንፑት Putin, output, input
ፒ Piፒንሳ፣ ፒጃማ፣ ፒን (ሚስጥር ቁጥር) Pliers, Pajamas, Pin (passcode)
ፓ Paፓፓየ፣ ፓስታ Papaya, pasta
ፔ Pieፔፐር (ወረቀት) paper
ፕ Pፕሬዚደንት፣ ፕሪንተር (ማተሚያ ማሽን) President, Printer
ፖ Poፖሊስ፣ ፖስታ፣ ፓስፖርት፣ ፖፖ Police, Post, Passport, Pop

ቭ (v) is not from the Amharic Fidel also

The letter “ቨ / V” is also a letter inherited from a foreign language.

Ve Vu Vi Va Vie V Vo

We almost don’t use this fiddle. We use this letter only when we want to pronounce the following words. There may be other words that I don’t remember right now:

Viቪላ፣ ቪቴ፣ ቪትዝ፣ ቪዛ፣ ቪአይፒ፣ ቪፒኤን፣ ቪዲዮ Villa, Vite, Vitz, Visa, VIP, VPN, Video
Vaቫይረስ፣ ቫይብሬት፣ ቫዎል፣ ቫይታሚን፣ ቫዝሊን፣ ቫካንሲ Virus, Vibrate, Valve, Vitamin, Vaseline, Vacancy
Vieቬነስ፣ ቬንዙዌላ Venus, Venezuela
Vላይቭ Live
Voቮልቴጅ፣ አቮካዶ፣ Voltage, avocado,

7 Weird Amharic Fidels:

If you can pronounce these six Amharic Fidels properly, then speaking Amharic won’t be difficult for you too. So that you can speak Amharic effortlessly, master these Fidels by practicing them over and over again.

ኘ      ኙ      ኚ     ኛ     ኜ      ኝ     ኞ
Gne  Gnu  Gni  Gna  Gnie  Gn  Gno
ጨ   ጩ    ጪ    ጫ    ጬ   ጭ  ጮ
Che  Chu  Chi  Cha  Chie  Ch  Cho
           Te  Tu  Ti  Ta  Tie  T  To
ጸ       ጹ      ጺ       ጻ      ጼ       ጽ   ጾ
ፀ       ፁ       ፂ      ፃ       ፄ       ፅ   ፆ
Tse   Tsu   Tsi   Tsa  Tsie  Ts  Tso
ጰ     ጱ   ጲ    ጳ    ጴ   ጵ  ጶ
Pe  Pu  Pi  Pa  Pie  P  Po
ኸ       ኹ     ኺ     ኻ     ኼ       ኽ     ኾ
Khe  Khu  Khi  Kha  Khie  Kh  Kho

Read The whole Fidel Once Again.

Now read the letters from left to right, right to left, top to bottom and bottom to top. After that, you will learn some basic Amharic words. Therefore, do this work well first. Read it from left to right, right to left, top to bottom and bottom to top without getting bored. In this way, you can easily master Amharic fiddle.


If you find it difficult to pronounce all the Amharic letters correctly, contact me on Telegram:

Amharic Fidels in use:

Don’t try to learn all the Amharic letters at a glance so that you don’t give up too soon. Be calm and study it starting from the basics. And it doesn’t take as long as you think.

Start making your Amharic vocabulary more complex and advanced by reading Amharic words and phrases listed below.

ፊደሎች፦Words and Phrases:
ሀብት = Wealth
ሁለት = Two ሁሉም? = all
ሂሳብ = math  
ውሃ = Water
ሄደ = he went
ትምህርት = education ህይወት = life
ሆድ = Stomach
ኢስሐቅ = Isaac
ሒሳብ = Mathematics
ሕንፃ = Building ኑሕ = Noah
ኀይል = Power
ኃላፊ = Head
ኸይበር = Khyber (country)
ኹራሳን = Khurasan (City)
ኺታም = Khitam
ኻሊድ = Khalid
መኾን = to be
ለምን = Why
ሉአላዊነት = Sovereignty
ሊጥ = Dough
ላም = Cow
ሌሊት = Night
ልብስ = clothing
ሎሚ = Lemon
መልስ = Answer
ሙዝ = banana
ሚያዝያ = April
ማንበብ = to read
ሜዳ= Field
ምግብ = Food
ሞት = Death
ሠንጠረዥ = Table
ሣጥን = Box
ሥርዓት = System
ሦስት = Three
ሰው መሰል = Human-like anthropoid
ሱቅ = Shop
ሲሚንቶ = Cement
ሳጥን = Box
ሴት = woman
ስልጣን = Authority
ሶስት = three
ረቂቅ = Abstract
ሩቅ = Far away
ፈጣሪ = Creator
ራሱን ተቆጣጠረ = Bear up himself
ሬት = Alovera
ርካሽ = Cheap
ሮጠ = He ran
ሸሚዝ = Shirt
ሹራብ = Sweater
ሺህ = thousand
ሻይ = Tea
ሼይኽ = Sheikh
ሽማግሌ = old man
ሾርባ = Soup
ቀላል = Simple
ቁልፍ = Key
ቂጣ = Bread
ቃል = Word
ቄስ = Priest
ቅጠል = Leaf
ቆረቆረ = He knoked  
ከረሜላ = Candy
ኩኪስ = Cookies
ኪስ = Pocket
ካርቶን = Cartoon
ኬላ = Checkpoint
ክረምት = Winter
ኮላ = Colla
በግ  = sheep
ቡና = Coffee
ቢላዋ = Knife
ባቡር= Train
ቤት = at home
ብረት= Metal
ቦርሳ= Bag
ቸር = Kind ቸልተኛ= indifferent
ለሰዎቹ = For the people ቤተሰቦቹ = his families
ቺንጋ = Chinga ይህቺ  = this one
ቻይ (ታጋሽ) = patient ቻው chaw – goodby
መቼ = When ልጆቼ = my children
ችግር = Problem
ቾክ = Chalk ተመልካቾች = viewers
ጨዋ = Gentle ጨው = salt / ጨካኝ = cruel
ጩኸት = Scream ጫጩት = Chicken
ጪስ = Smoke
ጫማ = Shoes
ጭንቅላት = Head አጭበርባሪ = Scammer
ምንጮች = Sources
ነዳጅ = Fuel ነገር = stuff
ኑዛዜ = death note
ኒካህ (የእስልምና ሃይማኖት የጋብቻ ውል ሰርአት) Nikah (Islamic marriage contract)
ናት = she is
እኔ = I
ንስሃ = Repentance
ኖረ = He lived መኖሪያ = abode
አገኘ = He found
አገኙ = They found
አትመኚው = Don’t believe him (for female)
እኛ = We አንደኛ = first
አምኜ = I believe
ነኝ = am
ሞኞች = Fools
አንድ = one
ኡኡታ (ጩኸት) = Scream
ኢማም (የኡስሊሞች መሪ) Imam (leader of Muslims)
ኣሁን = Now
ኤሌክትሪክ = Electricity
እህት = sister
ኦሪት= Torah
ዐዋቂ = Knowledgeable
 ዑምራ = Umrah
ኢስማ = Ismail ምራን (የማሪያም አባት) = Imran (Mary’s father) (የመርየም ልጅ) = Isa (Mary’s son “Jesus”)
ምራቶች = Miracles
በዕውቀ = In knowledge ዕውር = blind
ጣዖት = An idol
ወይም = Or ወፍራም = thick
ተዉ = Stop or give up
ኢትዮጵያዊ = Ethiopian አሜሪካዊ = American
ተዋዋሉ = They agreed
ዌብሳይት (ድህረ ገጽ) = Website
ውል = A contract ውሸት = a lie
እርስዎ = You ሰዎች = the people
ዘላለም = Forever
ብዙ = a lot
ዚፕ = Zip
ዛሬ = Today
ዜግነት = Citizenship
ዝሆን = Elephant
ወንዞች = Rivers ዞን ዛንዚዛባር
በሰንጠረዡ ውስጥ = In the table
ዢዋዥዌ Zxiwazxiwei (It is a kind of game that children play)
ዣንጥላ = An umbrella መጓጓዣ = a transportation
ቪዥን = Vision ቴሌቪዥን = Television ሰንጠረዥ = Table
የኔ የለውም = Mine doesn’t have it
ተለያዩ = Various
ያህል = As much as
ጌታዬ ሆይ / “My Lord መርየም ብዬ ስም አወጣሁላት I have named her Mary, (“My Lord, I have named her Mary.)
ይልቅ Instead
ተመሳሳ = Similar የኢትጵያ = Ethiopian
ደላላ = Broker
ዱቄት = flour
ዲናር = Dinar
ዳቦ = Bread
እን = how
ድሃ = Poor ድል = victory ድምፅ = voice
ወንች = Men ዶሮ = hen
መጀመሪያ = First ጀርባ = back
ተዘጋጁ = Get ready ልጁ = the boy በእጁ = in his hand
ጂን = Dimon  
ደረጃ = Level
ጄኔራል = General
ጅጅጋ = Jijiga (city) ጅብሪል (መላይካ) = Gabriel (Angel)
ጆሮ = ear
ገሃነም = Hell
ጉርምስና = Adolescence ጉራ = boast
ጊዜ = Time ጊዜያዊ = temporary
ጋሪ = A cart
ጌጣጌጥ = jewelry
ግለሰብ = Individual
ጎመን = Cabbage ፍላጎት = desire
ተማሪ = A student ተዓምር = a miracle
እውነቱ ይህ ነው = This is the truth
ቲማቲም = Tomato ክርስቲያን = Christian
ታናሽ = Younger ታዛዥ = obedient
ቤቴ = My house ቴሌብር = Telebirr
ትምህርት = education
ምልክቶች = Symptoms ምክንያቶች = causes
ተጠነቀቁ = Be careful መረጠ = he chose
ከመጡ = If they come አምጡ = bring it
ኀጢአት = sin
ሰይ = Satan ይሰል = gives
ጤና = health ጤነኛ = healthy
ጥምጣም = Turban ጥቃት = attack
ጦር = Army ጦርነት = war ጦጣ =
ጸጋ = Grace ገለጸ = explained አመጸ = rebellious
ንጹሕ = pure ፍጹም = perfect በፍጹም = absolutely
ጺም = Beard
ጻፉት = Write it down
ግሳጼ = Reminder
ምጽዋት = Alms መጽሐፍ = Book
ጾም = Fasting አንቀጾች = verses
ፀሀይ = Sun ፀሎት = prayer ፀጉር = hair
ፍፁም = Perfect
ፂም = Beard
ፃፍ = write ፃድቅ = righteous
አፄ (የክርስቲያን መሪዎች የማዕረግ ስም) Emperor (title of Christian leaders)
ፅናት = persistence
ፆም ፆመ = He fasted
ላጲስ = Rubber
ጳጳስ = Bishop
ጴጥሮስ = Peter
የኢትዮጵያ = Ethiopia
ፈጣሪ = God ፈጣን = Fast ፈፀመ = Committed
ፉከራ = bragging ፉክክር = Competition አለፉ = They passed
ፊርማ = Signature ፊት = face
የከፋ = The worst
ፌንጣ = grasshopper
ፍላጎት = Desire ፍቅር = love
ፎጣ = A towel ፎከረ = Boasted
ፐርሰንት = Persent
ፑሽአፕ = Push Up
ፒያሳ = Piasa ፒን = Pin
ፓስፖርት = Passport ፓርክ = Park
ቴንሲዮን = Pension ፔፕሲ = Pepsi
ዋትስአፕ = WhatsApp
ፖሊስ = Police ፖስታ = Post

Part Three (3) ድቃላ ሆሄያት (hybrid letters)

Support Me Please

My name is Muhammad, and I live in Addis Ababa. I have no income from advertising or sales. I don’t have any extra work, either. I used to work as a painter, I quit because it was exhausting and does not cover my daily expenses. Now I have started teaching Amharic online. But I am still in a financial struggle as before. Life is challenging in Ethiopia. So, I need your help. Your support helps me to focus teaching more effectively. Thanks in advance.

You can send me any amount you want using the following online banks:

My Bank Accounts:

Account No.:1000589387515  Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE)

Name: Muhammed Umer Yasin

TeleBirr Phone No.: 09 55 40 49 00  (Mobile Banking)

Name: Mehammed Umer Yasin

I Really Appreciate Your Support!!

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