The Role of Nouns in Amharic
The Role of the Amharic Nouns
This is a clear explanation of the role of the Amharic nouns with examples and translations for English speakers.
Functions of Nouns
The Amharic noun can serve the following purposes:
- ስም የአረፍተ ነገር ባለቤት ሊሆን ይችላል። (A noun can be the subject of a sentence.)
- ተሳቢ ሊሆን ይችላል። (It can be an object.)
- አገናዛቢም ሊሆን ይችላል። (It can also be a possessive noun.)
- መስተዋድዳዊ ሀረግ ሊሆን ይችላል። (It can function as a prepositional phrase.)
1. ባለቤት (Subject)
When functioning as a subject, they perform the action.
2. ተሳቢ ስሞች (object)
When they function as an object, the action is performed on them. The action can be good or bad, but they are the recipients. Example:
- ተማሪው ትምህርቱን እያጠና ነው። The student is studying the lesson.
Now, who is performing the action? The student.
On whom is the action being performed? The lesson.
3. አገናዛቢ ስሞች (Possession)
Nouns are used to indicate possession. Examples:
ወደ ቤቴ ልሄድ ነው። I am going to my house.
The word ቤቴ means My house, so it indicates possession.
More examples: the words in the red color are possessive nouns.
- ሚስቴን እወዳታለሁ። I love my wife.
- መኪናየ ተበላሽታለች። My car broke down.
- ልጆቿ ጎበዞች ናቸው። Her children are excellent.
- ጎረቤቶቻችን ጥሩዎች ናቸው። Our neighbors are good.
4. መስተዋድዳዊ ሀረግ (Prepositional Phrases)
Another use of nouns is to function as prepositional phrases. Examples:
- ወደ ሳውዲ ሄዷል። He has gone to Saudi.
- ለሰዎች ጥቅም እንስራ። Let’s work for others benefit.
ወደ ሳውዲ and ለሰዎች are prepositional phrases.
By reviewing this lesson, you can easily understand how Amharic nouns function in a sentence. On each page of this website, you will find informational lessons.
Be patient and learn Amharic easily by reading and applying what you learn. A student who wants to learn the language easily will grow by doing this. They study diligently, practice, remain hopeful, evaluate their progress, and know what they have understood and what they haven’t. They work on what they haven’t understood. A student who doesn’t do this will always struggle to learn Amharic and may never succeed or give up.