12: Use Other Tips from Former Volunteers
Use Other Tips from Former Volunteers
“Practice at every opportunity. If your colleagues and friends speak good English or want to practice English with you, set aside some devoted time for practicing Amharic: ‘at tea-break, we will speak only Amharic.’
“One way that my experience has been different than the other volunteers’ is that I did all the information collection for my Community Needs Assessment. My counterpart received a regional promotion just after I got to the site. I think this was very good for helping me assimilate. There was no one I could count on except myself. I conducted all of my interviews, PACA tools, and other meetings by myself. For that, I can vouch for how important the things taught in our PST would prove to be on site.”
“Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself. People are going to laugh at you when you attempt to speak Amharic. But they’re also going to appreciate your efforts.”
“Keep a vocabulary notebook. Carry a small notebook with you at all times. If you hear a new word, ask for a definition, and write it down.”
“Kids are great teachers; they won’t pity you with simplified language—they’ll just go for it. Play with your neighbors. Teach kids English, and you’ll learn Amharic at the same time.”
“Find someone you like (a woman at the market, someone from work, or on your compound) who doesn’t speak any English at all, and make an effort to befriend them. It will be awkward at first, but it pays off, both in terms of the friendship and in terms of language learning.”
Special thanks to David Aldacushion and Group 1 & 2 volunteers for contributing to this section. Additional materials were adapted from: