How to make Future tenses in Amharic?

How to make Future Tenses in Amharic?

For-example, if you want to say in Amharic, “I will go to home,” You can say:

እኔ ወደቤት እሄዳለሁ።
I will go home.
እኔ = I
እሄዳለሁ / I will go.

እሄዳለሁ። I will go.
እንሄዳለን።  We will go.
ትሄዳለህ። You will go. M.
ትሄጃለሽ You will go. F.
ትሄዳላችሁ። You will go. Plural

ይሄዳል። He will go.
ትሄዳለች።  She will go.
ይሄዳሉ። They will go.

For things also:

ይሄዳል። It will go.
ትሄዳለች። It will go.

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How to make Negative Statements in Amharic?

አልሄድም። I will not go.
አንሄድም። We will not go.
አትሄድም። You will not go. male
አትሄጅም። You will not go. Female
አትሄዱም። You will not go. Plural

አይሄድም። He will not go.
አትሄድም። She will not go.
አይሄዱም። They will not go.

እመጣለሁ። I will come.
እንመጣለን። We will come.

ትመጣለህ። You will come. Male
ትመጫለሽ። You will come. Female

ትመጣላችሁ። You will come. Plural

ይመጣል። He will come.
ትመጣለች። She will come.
ይመጣሉ። They will come.

ይመጣል። It will come.
ትመጣለች። It will come.
ይመጣሉ። They will come.

I will not come. አልመጣም።
We will not come. አንመጣም።
You will not come. አትመጣም።
You will not come. አትመጭም።

He will not come. እሱ አይመጣም።

She will not come. እሷ አትመጣም።

They will not come. እነሱ አይመጡም።

I can not speak Arabic.
እኔ / አረብኛ መናገር አልችልም።

To change the following statements in to negative, just add አል in the beginning and ም in the end.

በላሁ / I ate Positive
አል+በላሁ+ም / I did not eat.

በላን we ate
አል+በላን+ም / I did not eat.

በላህ You ate
አል+በላህ+ም / I did not eat.

በላሽ He ate
አል+በላሽ+ም / I did not eat.

በላችሁ you ate / plural
አል+በላችሁ+ም / I did not eat.

በላ He ate
አል+በላ+ም / I did not eat.

በላች She ate
አል+በላች+ም / I did not eat.

በሉ they ate
አል+በሉ+ም / I did not eat.

በሉ they ate.
(When read tightly)
በሉ Come on.
(When read loosely)

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Use this formula to make negative Statements:

I just ate. በላሁ።
I did not eat. አል+በላሁ+ም

We just ate. በላን።
We did not eat. አል+በላን+ም

በላህ You ate
You just ate. በላህ።

Have some meal please, you did not eat well.
በደንብ አል+በላህ+ም። እባክህ ትንሽ ብላ።

Did you eat? በላህ?
በላህ ልጄ?
Have you eat, my son?

በላሽ You ate she
You did not eat. አልበላሽም።

በላችሁ You ate. Plural
You did not eat. አል+በላችሁ+ም።

በላ He ate
He did not eat. አል+በላ+ም።

በላች She ate
She did not eat. አልበላችም።

Did she eat. በላች?

በሉ They ate
They did not eat.  አልበሉም።

Languages in Amharic:

እንግሊዝኛ / Englizgna / English
ኦሮምኛ / Oromgna / Affan Oromo

አማርኛ / Amargna / Amharic
ስፓኒሽኛ / Spanishigna / Spanish

ቻይንኛ / Chaingna / China
ሶማሊኛ / Somaligna / Swahili

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