Learn Amharic Greetings in detail (P.2)


Learn Amharic Greetings in detail in Part 2.

Formal Amharic Greeting In The Morning:

  • እንደት አደሩ? Endet aderu? Good morning.
  • ደህና አደሩ? Dehna aderu? Good morning.
  • ደህና አድረዋል? Dehna adrewal? Good morning.
  • ሰላም አደሩ? Selam aderu? Good morning.
  • ሰላም አድረዋል? Selam adrewal? Good morning.


  • ደህና አድሪያለሁ። I have a good night.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና አድሪያለሁ። Alhamdulillah, dehna adrialehu. Alhamdulillah, I have a good night.

ከሰአት በኋላ የሚቀርብ ሰላምታ (At the afternoon) for male:

  • እንደት ዋልክ? Endet walk? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ዋልክ? Dehna walk? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ውለሃል? Dehna wulehal? Good afternoon.
  • ሰላም ዋልክ? Selam walk? Good afternoon.


  • ደህና ውያለሁ። Dehna wuyalehu. I have a good day.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና ውያለሁ። Alhamdulillah, dehna wuyalehu. Alhamdulillah, I had a good day.
  • እግዚአብሄር ይመስገን ደህና ውያለሁ። Egziabhier ymesgen, dehna wuyalehu. Thank God I’m fine.

For female:

  • እንደት ዋልሽ? Endet walsh? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ዋልሽ? Dehna walsh? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ውለሻል? Dehna wuleshal? Good afternoon.
  • ሰላም ዋልሽ? Selam walsh? Good afternoon.

For plural:

  • ንደትዋላችሁEndet walachihu? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ዋላችሁ? Dehna walachihu? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ውላችኋል? Dehna wulachihual? Good afternoon.
  • ሰላም ዋላችሁ? Selam walachihu? Good afternoon.


  • ደህና ውለናል። Dehna wulenal. We have a good day.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና ውለናል። Alhamdulillah, dehna wulenal. Alhamdulillah, we had a good day.

For formal:

  • እንደት ዋሉ? Endet walu? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ዋሉ? Dehna walu? Good afternoon.
  • ደህና ውለዋል? Dehna wulewal? Good afternoon.
  • ሰላም ዋሉ? Selam walu? Good afternoon.

ማታ ላይ የሚቀርብ የሰላምታ አይነት (At night) For male

  • እንደት አመሸህ? Endet amesheh? Good evening.
  • ደህና አመሸህ? Dehna amesheh? Good evening.


  • ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። Dehna amshichalehu. I have a good evening.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። Alhamdulillah dehna amshichalehu. Alhamdulillah, I have a good evening.

For female:

  • እንደት አመሸሽ? Endet ameshesh? Good evening.
  • ደህና አመሸሽ? Dehna ameshesh? Good evening.
  • ደህና አምሽተሻል? Dehna amshteshal? Good evening.
  • ሰላም አመሸሽ? Selam ameshesh? Good evening.


  • ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። Dehna amshichalehu. I have a good evening.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። Alhamdulillah, dehna amshichalehu. Alhamdulillah, I have a good evening.

For plural:

  • እንደት አመሻችሁ? Endet ameshachihu? Good evening.
  • ደህና አመሻችሁ? Dehna ameshachihu? Good evening.
  • ደህና አምሽታችኋል? Dehna amshtachihual? Good evening.
  • ሰላም አመሻችሁ? Selam ameshachihu? Good evening.


  • ደህና አምሽተናል። Dehna amshitenal. I have a good evening.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና አምሽተናል። Alhamdulillah, dehna amshitenal. Alhamdulillah, I have a good evening.

For formal:

  • እንደት አመሹ? Endet ameshu? Good evening.
  • ደህና አመሹ? Dehna ameshu? Good evening.
  • ደህና አምሽተዋል? Dehna amshtewal? Good evening.
  • ሰላም አመሹ? Selam ameshu? Good evening.


  • ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። Dehna amshichalehu. I have a good evening.
  • አልሐምዱሊላህ ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። Alhamdulillah, dehna amshichalehu. Alhamdulillah, I have a good evening.


Here are some dialogues extracted from the lesson we learned. These dialogues include common greetings and responses for different, people, in different time:

 Dialogue 1: Greeting a Male

Person A: ደህና ነህ? (Dehna neh?) How are you doing?

Person B: ደህና ነኝ፣ አንተስ እንዴት ነህ? (Dehna negn. Antes endet neh?) I am good. What about you?

Person A: ሰላም ነኝ። ሁሉ ሰላም?  (Selam negn. Hulu selam?) I am fine. Is everything okay with you?

Person B: ሁሉም ነገር ሰላም ነው አልሐምዱሊላህ። (Hulum neger selam new Alhamdulilah.) Everything is fine, Alhamdulilh.

 Dialogue 2: Greeting a Female

Person A: እንዴት ነሽ? (Endet nesh?) How are you doing?

Person B: ሰላም ነኝ፣ አንችስ እንዴት ነሽ? (Selam negn, anchis endet nesh?) I am fine. What about you?

Person A: ደህና ነኝ አልሐምዱሊላህ። ደወየት እየሄድሽ ነው? (Dehna negn, Alhamdulillah). Wedeyet eyehiedsh new?) I am great, Alhamdulillah.Where are you going?

Person B: ወደቤቴ እየሄድኩ ነው። (Wedebietie eyehiedku new.) I am going to my home.

Dialogue 3: Greeting a Group

Person A: እንዴት ናችሁ? (Endet nachihu?) How are you doing?

Group: ደህና ነን። (Dehna nen.) We are good.

Dialogue 4: Greeting an Older Person

Person A: እንዴት ነዎት? (Endet newot?) How are you doing?

Person B: ደህና ነኝ፣ አንተስ እንዴት ነህ? (Dehna negn. Antes endet neh?) I am good. What about you?

Dialogue 5: Informal Greeting

Person A: ሰላም (Selam) Hello

Person B: ፒስ ነው? (Peace new?) Are you fine?

Person A: ፒስ ነው (Peace new) I’m fine.

 Dialogue 6: Morning Greeting for Male

Person A: እንደት አደርክ? (Endet aderk?) Good morning.

Person B: ደህና አድሪያለሁ። (Dehna adrialehu.) I have a good night.

 Dialogue 7: Morning Greeting for Female

Person A: እንደት አደርሽ? (Endet adersh?) Good morning.

Person B: ደህና አድሪያለሁ። (Dehna adrialehu.) I have a good night.

Dialogue 8: Afternoon Greeting for Male

Person A: እንደት ዋልክ? (Endet walk?) Good afternoon.

Person B: ደህና ውያለሁ። (Dehna wuyalehu.) I have a good day.

 Dialogue 9: Afternoon Greeting for Female

Person A: እንደት ዋልሽ? (Endet walsh?) Good afternoon.

Person B: ደህና ውያለሁ። (Dehna wuyalehu.) I have a good day.

Dialogue 10፦ Evening Greeting for Male

Person A፦ እንደት አመሸህ? (Endet amesheh?) Good evening.

Person B፦ ደህና አምሽቻለሁ። (Dehna amshichalehu.) I have a good evening.

Person A፦ ጠፋህ Tefah / long time no see.

Person B፦ አለሁ፣ ትንሽ ስራ በዝቶብኝ ነው። I am good. I was just overloaded with some work. (Alehu, tinish sra beztobign new.)