Learn Amharic Greetings in detail (P.1)

Amharic Greetings: Learn Amharic Greetings in detail


Answer the following questions to enhance your ability to greet people in the Amharic language: (የሚከተሉትን ጥያቄዎች በመውሰድ የአማርኛ ሰላምታ አቀራረብ ችሎታህን አዳብር።)

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1. What does “ደህና ነኝ፤ አንተስ እንዴት ነህ?” mean?

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2. "Which of these greetings would typically get the response “ሁሉም ደህና ናቸው።”

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3. Is the greeting “ሰላም ነህ ኣ?” formal or informal?

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4. Which is the correct response to the greeting “እንደት አደርክ?”?

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5. What does “አምላክ ይመስገን” mean?

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6. Who will reply saying "ደህና ነን።"?

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7. What does “ኑሮ እንዴት ይዞሃል” mean?

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8. We can use the greeting ደህና ነህ? in both formal and informal situations.

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9. How do we greet an old lady at night? (ለአንዲት አሮጊት ማታ ላይ ሰላምታ የምናቀርበው እንዴት ነው?)

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10. Which is the best way to greet a man in the morning? (ማርፈጃ ሰአት ላይ ለወንድ ሰላምታ የሚሰጥበት መንገድ የትኛው ነው?)

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11. Which one is the informal Amharic greeting? (ኢንፎርማል ሰላምታ የሆነው የቱ ነው?)

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12. What greeting is correct for two people? (ለሁለት ወንዶች ሰላምታ የሚቀረበው እንደት ነው?)

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13. What is the phrase to greet a woman in the morning? (ጧት ላይ ለአንዲት ሴት ሰላምታ የምናቀርብበት ሀረግ የትኛው ነው?)

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14. Which greeting do we use to greet a man? (አንድን ወንድ ሰላም ለማለት የምንጠቀምበት የትኛውን ሰላምታ ነው?)

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The average score is 45%


There are 4 types of greetings in Amharic. (በአማርኛ 4 አይነት የሰላምታ አይነቶች አሉ፦)

  1. ለወንድ የሚቀርብየሰላምታ አይነት (A greeting that will be offered to a male)
  2. ለሴት የሚቀርብ የሰላምታ አይነት (A greeting that will be offered to a female)
  3. ለብዙ ሰዎች የሚቀርብ የሰላምታ አይነት (A greeting that will be offered to more than two people)
  4. ለእድሜ ባለጸጎች፣ ለሃይማኖት አባቶች፣ ለዳኞች፣ ለፕሮፌሰሮች ወዘተየሚቀርብ የሰላምታ አይነት (A type of greeting that will be offered to older adults, religious leaders, judges, professors, and others.)

Amharic Greetings FOR MALE (ለወንድ)

 When you meet someone, you can use any one of the following Amharic greetings and responses: Don't worry, it's enough if you memorize four or three greetings and responses for each person. You'll learn gradually as you connect with people. I've listed so many just to let you know that there are a lot of greetings in Amharic, and you won't get confused when people use them interchangeably.

  • ደህና ነህ? Dehna neh? How are you doing?
  • ሰላም፣ እንዴት ነህ? Selam, Endet neh? Hi, how are you?
  • ሰላም ነህ? Selam neh? Hello, how are you?
  • አማን ነህ? Aman neh? Hi
  • ስራስ እንዴት ነው? Siras endet new? How is your work coming along?
  • እንዴት ነህ? Endet neh? How are you doing?
  • ኑሮ እንዴት ይዞሃል? Nuro endet yzohal? How is life treating you?
  • ባሌቤትህ (ሚስትህ) እና ልጆችህ እንዴት ናቸው? Balebieth (misth) ena ljochih endet nachew? How about your wife and kids?
  • ጤና ይስጥልኝ Tena ystlgn. May God grant you good health.
  • አለህልኝ? Alehlign? Are you alive for me?

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